Department of B.Sc. Psychology
Psychology has blossomed as a discipline and profession during this epoch. The Department of Psychology of St. Joseph’s Academy of Higher Education & Research, Moolamattom is a newly established discipline in 2023. The course offered by the department is B.Sc. Psychology (Model I). We focus on holistic development of learners through recognizing, identifying, and fostering the unique capabilities of each student and aim to equip them with the key 21st century skills for addressing the real-world problems through applying psychological knowledge.
The department is devoted to train students to acquire basic skills in major areas of profession such as psychological testing, experimentation, counselling, interviewing, and to develop higher-order cognitive capacities along with social, ethical, and emotional values and dispositions. Above all, the department is steadfast to equip students with skills required to conduct scientific research for growth of discipline and to serve mental health needs of the community.
Eligibility: Plus two (any stream)
Block Title

Dr. Tessy Joseph Kallarakal (Education, Psychology)Dr. Tessy Joseph Kallarakal (Education, Psychology)
M.Sc. (Zool), M. Phil., M.Sc. (Psy), M.Ed., NET, Ph.D. (Edu, Psy)