St. Joseph’s Academy of Higher Education and Research
St. Joseph’s Academy of Higher Education and Research, Moolamattom, nestled in the enchanting village of Arakulam girded by a lush green mountain range provides an ideal ambience for study and research of the supreme kind. Affiliated to the Mahatma Gandhi University and started functioning in 2007 the institution fulfilled a long cherished dream of the people in the backward district of Idukki for quality education in the field of Sports and Games and in the much sought after new generation programmes such as Computer Application, Animation and Graphic Designing, Actuarial Science, and the various courses in Commerce such as Logistics, Computer Application, Finance and Taxation and Cooperation. Having served the Higher Education Sector for the last one decade and a half we have today our alumni some of them pursuing their higher studies and others rendering exemplary service in various fields both inside and outside the country.
St. Joseph’s Academy is a noble venture of the CMI Congregation of the Kottayam Province, Kerala in the field of Higher Education. Ever holding fast to the sublime ideals of the founder of the Congregation, St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, who championed the universalization of education in Kerala as a powerful means to effect social reformation, the institution labours relentlessly to usher in a culture of quality education for all. The institution is pledged to mould the new generation into self-reliant, skilled and responsible citizens committed to the task of nation building ever upholding the heritage of the nation.